You Are Perfectly Okay

Eckhart-HeartIt’s been a bit stressful here at the Allen’s over the last week or so.  Lots of faith testing and soul searching.  Mostly, it is due to financial issues, my biggest weakness.

Over the past year, I’ve been working a lot on releasing my financial fears.  I have always been obsessive over money.  Always.  I have a constant feeling of lack, like I never (and will never) have enough.  I’m constantly fretting about bills, never feel that we have the money to do “fun” things, and the phrases “We’re broke” and “We have no money” constantly go through my head.  Hence why we’re typically broke and have no money. 😉

So the number one thing I’ve been working on is releasing this fear and feeling of lack, because I know that it is what’s creating all of my financial dilemmas.  It’s my goal that by my birthday this year, I am able to completely release this fear and open myself up to the abundance and wealth that the universe has to offer.

Anytime I start fretting about finances, I repeat these affirmations:

All of my needs are met and exceeded.

Nothing can keep my good from me.

I am thankful for the endless abundance of the universe.

The Science of Mind reading for today really hit home with me.  In fact, I cried the whole time while reading it.  It was exactly what I needed in this moment where I am filled with so much fear of the uncertainty of life.  Despite what bills have and haven’t been paid, regardless of the money that is or is not in my checking account, and even when faced with the heart-wrenching uncertainty of how life is going to pan out…I am perfectly okay.  And so are you.

“Whatever is or is not happening in your life right now is perfect. You are perfectly okay, regardless of how you are feeling or what you are now experiencing. Take this moment to relax into a surrendered attitude of just letting it all be okay. Settle into the peaceful awareness that nothing is truly the matter. You are alive, and just as you have arrived at where you are now, you will continue to arrive at where you will be tomorrow and the next day. For the present, you are in your perfect place, and you have done everything as well as you have known how to do or been able to do. You are not wrong or lacking. Everything is okay.

Spiritually, there is only perfection, and it is the truth of your life. Perfection means wholeness, and you are inseparable from wholeness. You are not, nor can you ever be, separate from universal unity and wholeness. Realize the truth about yourself and your life. If you experience any resistance to this realization, simply see this resistance as an old, limiting habit and release it.

As you enter fully into an acceptance of the now moment as essentially perfect, you discover a spacious freedom to continue to evolve. A deeply felt awareness of your oneness arises. Right now, everything is perfect in your life, and all is in divine order.”

May our hearts be opened and filled with faith in Divine Order.  I know that there are many others who are fearful of the uncertainties life is presenting them with, and I hope this gives some inspiration and encouragement.  Regardless of our external circumstances, we are all perfectly ok.

Love and Blessings,


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