Simple Life Changes That Lead to a Healthier You – Fluoride Free Water!

Thank you for your great response to my last post!  It was so encouraging, and I’m so glad that you were able to find my tips useful.  It’s great to see other people passionate about this as well.

Today, I want to continue the food/diet trend and talk about something that’s a bit controversial in the scientific and political communities, but something that I’m really interested in – fluoridated water and the pineal gland.

The fluoride in the water debate is extensive…I feel like it needs to be a post itself.  Instead of getting into a huge debate about water fluoridation, I figured I’d just post some resources and give my opinion about it all.



I think water fluoridation is bad news.  I don’t think it’s essential, and the general oral health of a community can be improved without adding a chemical to the water supply.  If you want fluoride in your dental regimen, there are plenty of toothpastes and mouthwashes out there that will provide you with the amount you need for healthy teeth.  Bottom line – if you and your family are practicing good dental hygiene, then you don’t need the added fluoride in your water.

Many people boast the benefits of fluoride, but the shocking evidence that’s coming out shows the danger of long-term consumption of fluoride.  The biggest discovery that’s been revealed recently is that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland – and quite extremely at that.  In fact, according to English scientist Jennifer Luke, the pineal gland is a target for fluoride.  It absorbs more fluoride than any other part of the body., until you know what the pineal gland is and all of it’s functions, the calcifying may not seem like an issue worth worrying about.  But the science is being revealed, and it’s telling us that perhaps the pineal gland is a lot more important than we realized.

The pineal gland (pronounced PINE due to it’s pine cone shape), is about the size of a piece of rice and is located deep within the brain.  It serves a variety of functions, both physically and metaphysically.  Biologically speaking, the pineal gland produces melatonin (among other hormones and secretions) which affects sleep patterns, seasonal functions, and sexual development.  It grows until we’re about 2 and then stays the same size the rest of our lives (though it gets heavier as we get older).  It’s been shown to inhibit sexual development and studies suggest that a calcified pineal gland can lead to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.  Additionally (and most interestingly), some scientists propose that it is the production site of dimethyltryptamine (or DMT), the only psychedelic hallucinogen that originates in the human body.  Dr. Rick Strassman, MD, discovered that the pineal gland is the source for DMT production at birth and at death.  He also connects DMT production to near death and spiritual experiences.

Spiritually speaking, many mystics and philosophers claim that the pineal gland is the “third eye” or “the seat of the soul”.  They claim that it is the point of connection between the physical body and the mind.  In Hindu traditions, the pineal gland is considered to be the Ajna chakra which is located right at the brow line between the eyes.  The third eye is what guides our intuition, focuses our divine attention, and connects us to our spiritual selves.  Dr. Strassman’s physical discoveries support the mystical notion that the pineal gland (or third eye/seat of the soul) is the passageway for the spirit when entering and leaving different dimensions.

Pretty neat stuff, right??!

The pineal gland has been a mysterious organ since its discovery, and we’re continuing to learn more about it everyday.  Regardless of whether you believe in its metaphysical functions, its biological functions are proving to be important enough for us to realize that we should be doing all we can to make sure our pineal gland is healthy and happy.  Wikipedia says that by the age of 17, 40% of Americans have calcified pineal glands.  This is inhibiting the production and secretion of substances that are important to our physical, mental, and spiritual health.  The more calcified our pineal gland becomes, the more numb we become to life.  We’re less aware, less spiritually open, less able to evolve and progress.

Remember what I said earlier about the pineal gland being a target for fluoride which leads to its calcification?  Without getting too conspiracy-theorist and anti-government, one has to wonder if this political push to fluoridate all the water supplies in the US is to produce a numb, suppressed, unconscious population.  What would happen to the oligarchy if all citizens were to awaken to their highest selves?

Through all my research and study, I’ve concluded that for myself, I want a healthy, de-calcified pineal gland.  I don’t want anything inhibiting me from becoming the best spiritual being I can be.  Therefore, Dustin and I make the effort to buy purified, fluoride-free water.  We’re lucky to have health stores like Earth Fare and Whole Foods around that have the water dispensers.  We have a three gallon jug that we fill up about twice a week.  It only costs between $5-8 a week for pure, delicious, healthy water.

I feel like I’ve barely touched the surface of all the information out there about the pineal gland and fluoride.  If you want to learn more, please browse the following links.  I also highly recommend the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman (it’s on Netflix!).  The film is based off his book of the same name.


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