We can’t be fucking done – we have work to do.

I’m sitting here literally in tears as I witness the atrocities going on in the world around us. I’m just done. Fucking done. It’s all so overwhelming. I feel so helpless. I just keep hoping and praying that the world around me is going to change for the better, but it just keeps getting worse. What’s it going to take to bring about some real change?

I watched this video today of a man being shot surrounded by four police officers. One man. Four officers. No weapon. I know, I know…I shouldn’t even watch videos like this. They perpetuate fear and are meant to get a reaction. But still. It happened. It’s reality. Why didn’t the officers shoot to harm or immobilize, but not to kill if they were feeling threatened? There were four of them. Why did the officers feel threatened to begin with? These are the critical questions we should be asking ourselves. Do our officers get enough training? Especially in conflict resolution and handling tense/life-threatening situations? Why is this stuff happening? It’s not propaganda. The media may blow it out of proportion to get a rise out of people, but it’s still real. It’s still happening. We need to figure out why.

Some Wells Fargo employees committed fraud and were still able to retire with millions of dollars. And it’s no secret at this point that those on Wall Street were responsible for our entire economic collapse, but no one’s served any time for it. But if I got caught with a baggie of medicine, I’d go straight to jail. And let me tell you, that’s frightening because people are literally dying in our jails due to neglect. Meanwhile, corporations are banking off of for-profit prison systems. We spend more incarcerating our people than educating them.

I don’t even need to say much about our healthcare system. It’s pretty obvious that it’s a joke.

And the hatred and fear? It’s spreading like wildfire. Because people feel like shit, and it’s easy to hate and fear when you feel like shit. Especially when hate and fear are what’s regularly shoved down your throat by nearly every media outlet.

The whole damn system is a mess.

We’re in need of great reform and revolution here in America. I believe that’s the only way we’re going to save ourselves. It IS overwhelming, and I DO just want to be fucking done with it all. It’s easy to give into the system and live in oppressed mediocrity. But I can’t. We can’t. We are the future. We are the light. We are the ones who will bring about positive reform and revolution. But it has to start today. In all we do, and in all we say, we need to make sure we are creating the world that we want for ourselves, for our children, and for all generations of earthly things to come. So we can’t be overwhelmed, and we can’t give up now and be fucking done. We are the lightbringers. We have work to do.

we-have-work-to-doSo let’s start that conversation. What do we (you!) want to see happen within our country, our society, our communities, and our world? What’s working? What’s not? What needs massive change? I kinda love how Bernie is urging the younger generation of voters to get involved in local politics – to start running for office and getting involved. I already know a few friends who have accepted his challenge. Who knows, maybe we all will.

To light, love, and positive social and political change!

~ Kim

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