I’m so angry.

I’m so angry.

I’m so angry. I thought I’ve been pretty angry before, especially over the last decade.  But this anger – it takes the cake. I am so angry that people are so unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. I am so angry that people want to give a blanket statement of “I’m sorry,” and expect […]

Grieving the me I used to be

Grieving the me I used to be

If you’ve ever been in therapy, you know that you get asked “how does that make you feel?” and “where do you feel that in your body?” sorts of questions a lot. Something I love about therapy is simply being able to acknowledge and name the feelings that I’m feeling so that I can work […]

Harsh Divinity

Harsh Divinity

I’ve been in therapy basically every week since the first of the year. It’s been a really rough several months, and I needed to take the time to consciously process all that’s happened. Old wounds were brought up right before Christmas which led to some discord among the family and disconnection. (I didn’t go home […]

Have you remembered it yet?

Have you remembered it yet?

Lately, I’ve been journaling and meditating a lot on trying to define myself – to express the truth that my soul is telling me about who I am (who we all are, really).  (Remember that 6-post long “Who Am I?” series? Yeah, still processing all that.) I grew up with the worldview that I was […]

Embrace your Divine nature

Embrace your Divine nature

We are divine.  There’s no doubt about it.  We are made of star stuff and here to make manifest the glory of God (to paraphrase Carl Sagan and Marianne Williamson).  This is another point of contention that I had with the Christian faith and a reason why I felt the need to leave the church.  […]


Happy Thursday and welcome to Soliloquy of the Soul!  I wanted to take some time today to sort of re-introduce myself on my blog and social media.  My goal for 2019 is to write more, so I thought my blog and social media spaces needed a jump start and re-introduction of who I am, why […]

Soliloquy 7-5-15: THE Soliloquy

Soliloquy 7-5-15: THE Soliloquy

I guess I should give a little background about why we’re where we are in life and why I may have this obsessive need to prove myself and let those around me know that I’m ok, that I’m living a good life and being blessed because of it. Where do I even begin??  It’s such […]

Soliloquy 2-4-17: The insanity

Ok, so I figured I need to just get this all out instead of getting sucked into the Facebook hole and spewing out angry comments at people I don’t even know or haven’t talked to in years.  There’s a lot of shit going on right now. Crazy, crazy shit. And I know people are all […]

Soliloquy 2-27-15: Mamahood

I was having a bit of a rough day today.  I’m just really emotional – feeling overwhelmed and tired.  And fat.  (Humor me.  I’m allowed to feel however I feel about myself.)  Wanting a break but not seeing one in sight.  I don’t think people realize the toll motherhood and breastfeeding takes on your body.  […]

My journey within

My journey within

As I started to realize that the beliefs I’ve been told were true for basically my whole life no longer aligned with the inner truth and voice I felt within, my whole world shifted.  I decided that there were too many things that I felt were true that the church was telling me was wrong.  […]