The Stars & The Cards – Part 1

(So yes, I’m still pregnant.  Yes, I’m still baby crazy and it’s all I think about.  But I’m still going to try to get back to regular blogging about all the different things on my soul. 🙂 )

I wanted to take some time today to talk about something I’ve been learning about over the last year or so, something that’s had a profound effect on how I process my everyday life, something that I’ve seen to be so accurate and relevant in my life and the lives of those around me – astrology!

Everything from the typical astrology like the zodiac, to numerology, feng shui, or tarot, to more sophisticated card reading systems like the Cards of Destiny – any and all things metaphysical and spiritual interest me.

I started learning about astrology during a time in my life where I was desperate to figure out “who I am.”  I went through a crazy paradigm shift, and I lost myself.  I didn’t know who I was or who I was supposed to be.  Everything that I thought I was seemed to be shattered, yet I still felt perfectly “me.”  So I wanted to know more about that – what it was that made me me.  It interests me that we could have certain innate characteristics and personality traits based upon when we were born.  It also interests me to see the connections between certain signs and cards and examine examples of such in my personal life.  It seems crazy, but is there some truth to it?  My experience is telling me YES!

Today, I’ll talk about the stars, and I’ll discuss the cards in my next post. 

The Stars.

When I talk about the stars, I’m referring to what is typically thought about in regards to astrology.  We’ve all read our horoscopes at one point or another.  Most people know their “sign” and what that apparently means about their personalities.  I grew up reading the Leo horoscope in magazines and newspapers. I read that I was the “fierce lioness” – loved to be the center of attention, friendly and outgoing, passionate and exuberant.

As I was going through this dramatic time of self-discovery (re-discovery, really), learning about my personality became the most healing experience for me.  I know I’ve talked about this on the blog before, but I started realizing a few years ago that I really don’t like myself that much.  I’m crazy hard on myself, I carry around a ton of unneeded guilt and shame, and I let what others think of me determine my own self-worth.  I’ve always hated this about myself.  I looked happy on the outside, but inside I always felt like something was off.  I couldn’t figure it out.  I was constantly comparing myself to others and degrading myself for not being as established or successful as my peers.  I’d look back on my life and regret so many past actions, many of which seem so silly and inconsequential.  I’d find myself living in the past and letting my ego control my thoughts.

So as I started learning about my astrology, I noticed that some of those things about myself that I didn’t like were listed as typical characteristics for people with my signs.  I’m a Leo sun, with a Cancer rising and a Cancer moon.  I always knew about the Leo stuff, but the Cancer aspects were completely new  to me.  All those emotional issues, that desperate need to be liked, that wearing my heart on my sleeve, that deep guilt and shame – it’s all a part of my Cancer signs.  This was a HUGE revelation for me.  Instead of feeling like there was something wrong with me due to all the parts about myself I didn’t like, I was able to finally accept myself and know that all those things are just a part of my makeup.  I was able to let go of that desire to change myself and just focus on being me.  I learned about my strengths and acknowledged the things I needed to work on.

I think all of this is valuable information that can bring a lot of good to people’s lives.  It’s a major factor in self-love and self-acceptance, and it can be used as a tool to help people navigate the various issues they come across in life.

Another aspect of the stars that isn’t quite as popular is paying attention to what is going on in the skies at any given time.  The universe is in constant motion, so when stars and planets align in certain ways, it brings about certain energies that float down to us earthlings (or so they say 😉 ).  Each planet has certain characteristics it carries, and you’ll notice those characteristics come into play more when those planets are ruling the skies.  The same goes for constellations.  For example, this past February, the Sun entered the sign of Pisces which signaled a time for natural endings and new beginnings.  (I wrote about it here if you want more info.)  During a transit like this, you can expect endings to big parts of your lives, whether it’s the passing of loved ones, relationships ending, jobs ending, etc.  I found it incredibly interesting that during this month, there were about a half a dozen of my Facebook friends who either lost a loved or ended a long-term relationship.  There were also notable celebrity deaths during this time including Shirley Temple and Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

A notable transit that’s becoming more popular and well-known is Mercury Retrograde.  (Which is actually about to start on Saturday, June 7th and will end when Mercury goes direct on July 1st.)   Mercury Retrograde is a period of 3-4 weeks where Mercury appears to be moving backwards in the sky.  Of course, it’s not because no planet moves backward, but due to our vantage point from Earth, it appears to be doing so.  Mercury is the planet that rules communication, so when it goes retrograde, communication seems to go haywire.  This can be a confusing, hectic time in our lives.  Technology can go awry, communication with family and friends may be difficult, and various things can get lost in translation.  Therefore, this is not a good time to sign contracts, make big financial decisions, or really make any kind of long-lasting decisions or commitments.  Since learning about Mercury Retrograde, it’s been interesting to observe all the crazy things that happen during that time.  Even little things like websites going down, mail getting lost, miscommunication/arguments between friends, etc.  It’s all pretty interesting!  So pay attention what happens between now and July 1.  If it seems like lots of things are going haywire, try to be still and breathe through it.  Mercury Retrograde is a great time to reflect and do some inner-soul searching.

This is just a basic intro to astrology.  There’s so much out there to learn about and discover, and sometimes you can fall down the info rabbit hole. 😉  If you want to know why certain things are happening in your life at certain times, look to the stars.  See what’s going on, and see if it relates to what you’re going through.

For a free birth chart, check out Astrolabe.  Their free charts are pretty detailed, and if it really interests you, you can order a more detailed explanation for only twenty five bucks.

A great astrology blog to follow is MysticMamma.  I share her posts a lot, and she often posts summaries from other well-respected astrologers.

If you’re looking for a great daily horoscope app, check out The Astrologer by Kelli Fox.  She has a free version of her app that’s great for daily horoscopes.  It also has more detailed astrological info, which I love.  It shows what planets are where and what all that means.  The app also give free yearly reports.  It’s just great all around!

Explore the stars and see what you find!

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