Have you remembered it yet?

Lately, I’ve been journaling and meditating a lot on trying to define myself – to express the truth that my soul is telling me about who I am (who we all are, really).  (Remember that 6-post long “Who Am I?” series? Yeah, still processing all that.)

I grew up with the worldview that I was a sinner in need of God’s grace.  Even though God loves me, I still “fell short of the glory of God” meaning that I wasn’t enough.  I wasn’t complete on my own, and without God and Jesus’s saving grace, I was nothing but an unworthy earthling who was destined to burn in a lake of fire for all eternity.  This combined with my Leo/Cancer combination making me so fearful of people’s opinions of me and so desperately needing everyone’s approval, of course I was the epitome of the perfect little Christian girl.  I worked so hard to never give anyone a reason not to like me.  And I was definitely going to heaven and making God happy.

Since releasing that limiting worldview, I’ve come into my own divinity.  I’ve realized the innate power I have, power that is given to me by God (/Life/The Universe/whatever you want to call the divine essence that’s in all of us).  Jesus said it himself: “Ye too are gods.  What I can do, you can do.”  Why do we cling to every other word he says literally, but then come up with a million metaphorical explanations for a quote like this?  Also, nothing is impossible with God.  That means miracles can happen.  Magic can happen.  Beautiful stones and crystals can have secret powers.  The stars and planets can give us messages and effect us.  Angels and guides can constantly be around us.  I can heal like Jesus did.  Anything is possible.

When I decided I “wasn’t a Christian anymore”, it was very hard for me to explain my reasoning to those around me and even harder for them to understand what I was trying to say.  If I was known for one thing my entire life, it was that I was in love with Jesus, and I had a passion for sharing the gospel.  So for me to come out a say, “Actually, no, I don’t believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven – in fact, I’ve completely changed my definition of God, heaven, and hell” presented everyone with a paradigm shift they weren’t quite ready to face, myself included.

The only way I can explain what’s happened in my heart over the last decade or so is evolution.  It’s not that I’m denouncing the traditional way in which I was raised.  I’m more just progressing and moving on.  Adapting to this new world that’s changing in front of us.  The earth, solar system, and universe were a lot different back in biblical times than they are today.  Humans were wired differently.  Now the planets are aligned differently, and there’s different energy flowing around.  My soul is simply evolving as the human race faces this paramount shift in consciousness.

Scientists, philosophers, theologians, and astrologists all over the world are saying that the planet earth is about to go through a shift that it (nor the entire universe) has ever experienced before.  And I truly believe that I, and most others in my generation and younger, are here to help bring about that shift.  To help fill the planet with the vibration of love and connection.  Our emotions and thoughts are vibrations, and just as tuning forks of various pitches will all eventually sync up to the same pitch, our feelings and emotions can unite the collective conscious, and bring about Christ consciousness.

I am a divine being
sent to bring light and love
to raise the vibration of this planet, Earth
to bring forth the Christ love
where nothing but Love can exist
The Golden Age
Heaven on Earth
The Kingdom of God
A Land of Unified Hearts

If I am nothing else, this is who I am
This is who we all are
Some of us just haven’t remembered it yet

Have you remembered it yet?  The amazing being you are at your core?  The innate power that you have?  The complete perfection of your mere existence?

You are here to do nothing but thrive and succeed in all of your endeavors.  For nothing is impossible with God.

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