Release Negative Patterns by Expressing Gratitude!

To continue the discussion on releasing negative behavior/thought/energy patterns…

So when we notice a certain negative energy/emotion/behavior creep into our consciousness, we can acknowledge and accept it and then convert it into something we want to create for ourselves – a positive emotion that we can deliberately start to feel instead of the negative emotion.
The most powerful positive emotion is gratitude.  Gratitude is the birthplace of all creation.  When you are feeling fearful (or angry, sad, etc.), immediately release that fear and replace it with gratitude.

“I’m so scared I’m going to fail this project” turns into “I’m so thankful for this opportunity to learn and grow, and I look forward to the good that will come from it.”

There’s always somethingto be grateful for (“I’m alive and breathing!”), so when you get down for whatever reason, find something you are thankful for and feel that gratitude.
The key to manifesting something into your life lies within your ability to be grateful for it before it even happens, before you even knowing when or where it will happen.  Be grateful knowing that you will be given the desires of your heart meaning that you will manifest it, it will happen.
This gratefulness creates a beautiful, calming peace in your mind, knowing that all things happen in perfect timing.  True gratitude comes from a deep knowing that divine order is at work in all things in life.  
I guarantee that adding more gratitude into your life will bring you more blessings.  That’s because you will automatically start releasing some of those negative thoughts and energy patterns that sabotage your psyche throughout the day.
When things get rough, it’s really, really easy to focus on the negative.  It’s like stubbing your toe first thing in the morning…things just seem to go downhill from there all day.  One bad thing makes us think of another bad thing until we’re facing this detrimental barrage of negative thoughts.
So the next time you stub your toe, I challenge you to resist the temptation to be negative. (i.e. no bitching).  Instead, take a moment to take a couple of deep breaths and find something, anythingto be grateful for.  Say it in your head a few times, “I’m so thankful for…”, while you take a couple more breaths.  (Who knows, that toe-stubbing might have just been a little nudge from above, reminding you to be grateful for that toe.)  Then start your day anew as if that toe-stubbing never even happened.  (Unless you’re bleeding.  Then – peacefully and gratefully – get a Band-Aid.)
Today, I’m grateful for the love that comes from packing lunches for the three boys in my life, the peacefulness I have to myself after said boys are off to work and school, and the warmth of puppy cuddles on cold, quiet days. J
What are you grateful for?



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