Letting Go of Obstacles and CLAIMING My Good!

I’ve been trying to write this book for two years now, and my reason for it not happening has always been “I don’t have enough time.”  It was my failsafe excuse that made me feel better about not pursuing my dreams.

I wasn’t to blame…Lack of time was to blame.


Well here I am now, with all the time in the world.  And sitting down to write is still something I have a hard time doing everyday.  I say I’m gonna journal in the morning, but then I get caught up in a book instead.  Then I sit down for an afternoon stint and end up playing around on my website for two hours.

Then I realize a week has gone by since I last wrote in my journal, and I start thinking up all the excuses of how this could have happened.

“Well, there was a lot of laundry this week.”

“I had so many groceries to get and errands to run!”

“Not to mention the lunches that need packed and boys that need bathed.”

Then I quickly realize that that’s all bullshit.

The universe has created the perfect conditions for me to write my heart out (literally).


I have no job, yet my bills are still miraculously paid each month.  Yes, I’m a graduate student, but I’m only taking two classes, and let’s be honest, that’s really not that much.  AND one of the classes is a creative writing class, so it doesn’t really count.

There’s nothing getting in my way but me.  Me not believing in myself.  Me being afraid that I fail.  Me worrying about what others will think.  Me not opening myself up to my truth.


I have a Ganesh figurine that I have on my desk when I write.  Ganesh is a Hindu god who is called “The Remover of Obstacles”.  So when I start getting down on myself and realizing that there’s nothing holding me back but my own fears, doubts, and worries, I just look at Ganesh and ask him for a little help.  I ask him to remove the obstacles that stand in my way.  The obstacles that keep me from my good.  The obstacles that keep me from expressing my truth.  The obstacles that, ironically, I placed there.

I’ve been learning that visualization is really important regarding manifesting and creating your reality.  So sometimes I’ll even picture Ganesh, standing in front of my pile of obstacles.  He stoops down low to pick them up and hurls the entire pile high into the sky.  It fades into oblivion and my path is clear.

We are Divine Beings who have been given the power to create and experience whatever it is we want on this earth.  Regardless of who you are, where your from, or what you believe in, we all have these innate abilities.

So what obstacles are standing in your way of achieving your dreams?  What’s holding you back?  Fear?  Lack of self-confidence?  Yourself?

Call on Ganesh (or your god of choice) and ask him to help you remove the obstacles standing in your way.  Let’s let go of all this baggage that’s holding us back, and let’s embrace our dreams and live life fully!

Let’s be the generation that lets go of the oppression that’s been shoved down our throat our whole lives and embraces the limitless possibilities that life has to offer!


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