Survive the Down Days by Raising Your Vibrations

In the last post, I talked about allowing ourselves to have our “down days”.  Those days where we just feel like crap.  It’s important to acknowledge the negative feelings and emotions we find within ourselves and release them – instead of being in denial of them which just intensifies them even more.

I tend to deny being stressed out.  I try so hard to focus on positive behaviors that when I am stressed, I ignore it and tell myself (and everyone else) that everything’s “fine”.

I keep getting little reminders here and there to raise my vibration during these times of self-doubt and fear.  Everything you feel has a vibrational frequency.  (So do things like color, music, and light.)  In general, the “negative” emotions like fear, anger, sadness, and jealousy are lower vibrational and the “positive” emotions like love, joy, inner peace, and compassion are higher vibrational.

By knowing that thoughts create our reality and that like attracts like (positive leads to positive, negative leads to negative), then in order to create the reality we want, we must keep ourselves within the vibrational frequency of the things we desire.  If we want more love in our life, we need to be love more in our life.  If we want to attract more joy to our lives, then we need to be more joyful in life.

So I know that the more I keep myself in that constant, low vibrational level, the more negative things will keep happening in my life.  I can’t create the reality I want if I’m constantly in the opposite vibrations (a negative state).

When you think good thoughts and allow yourself to feel good feelings, your vibrational level is lifted and you become more powerful in creating and manifesting the life you want.  Higher vibrations attract more higher vibrations and the same goes for the lower vibrations.   That’s why it’s important to keep yourself in the higher ones.  

What’s been happening for me the past few days is that I’ve been so fearful of things not working out in life that I start getting overwhelmed with worry and anxiety.  Then I get fearful of remaining in that state because I know that it will only bring more bad things.  So then I end up convincing myself that everything’s going to go to shit and it’s all my fault because I felt negative for three days.

I know, I’m a little nuts. 😉

But it’s this constant cycle of negativity that completely overwhelms my soul.

When I start to feel this way, I have to force myself to raise my vibration.  This is so critical in creating and evolving.  None of your good can come from negative vibrations.  So do some soul searching and figure out what it is that raises your vibration.  Maybe it’s singing or playing an instrument.  Or it could be going or a walk or playing with your kids.  Since higher vibrations come from good emotions like love, joy, happiness, and peace, find something that makes you feel that way.  Or just get lost in meditation and focus on things that bring up those emotions in you.  You could even just sit and watch funny videos on YouTube to make yourself laugh (videos of babies and kittens work well for this).

The key to surviving those down days and coming out of them a better person lies within your inner power to raise your vibration.  Don’t give into the negativity, that’s taking the easy route.  Find that one speck of joy or love or gratitude that you can focus on and raise yourself to that level.  Know it.  Feel it.  Be it.

Figure out what it is that works for you and trust that divine order is at work in your life.  You have to surrender to the Spirit and have faith that it will all work out.  Surrendering means releasing the negativity and embracing the joy despite any unfavorable circumstance.

Stay in joy for the hear and now.  Raise your vibration with the intention of it drawing all of your good to you.  Intend and surrender and then watch all of your greatest desires come to fruition.

Raise Your Vibration Meditation

I know that my thoughts create my reality – positive leads to positive, negative leads to negative.

I release all negative thoughts and emotions, and I open myself up to the vibrations of love, peace, joy, and gratitude.

I do not imagine disastrous scenarios.  I visualize what I want to happen, and I allow my thoughts to dwell on that in peace.

I know that divine order is always at work in my life, and I am grateful that all is well.

2 comments on “Survive the Down Days by Raising Your Vibrations

  1. Hey Kim! Your blog is fantastic! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, feelings, and gift of writing with all of us. It is so empowering to realize, actually REALIZE the control we have over our own happiness and joy.. and I thank you for communicating this to the world by sharing your own experiences and encouragement!

  2. Hi Ashley! Thank you so much for your comment!! It brings my heart so much joy to hear things like that. Doing this blog has been such a powerful experience for me, and I’m so grateful! I hope you’re well! Love and Blessings. 🙂

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