Empower Yourself Through the Trials

IMG_3765Sometimes it’s hard to keep going when faced with test after test and trial after trial.  You might feel like you’re on the divine path, but then things don’t work out like not getting a job you truly thought you were destined for or losing a relationship you thought was forever.

During these times of heartache and despair, it’s easy to get down on yourself and question everything.  And I mean everything.  You might think, “If I’m on the right path and doing the right things, then why didn’t this work out for me?!”  Then doubt and fear move in, and we question that maybe we’re not on the right path after all.

It’s easy to get down and discouraged, but it’s during these times that you have to stay uplifted the most.  Show the Universe that you’re ok despite the unfavorable circumstances.  Let God know that it’s ok, you still got this!  You still have faith and trust that everything will work out.

When we build up a dream, convincing ourselves that it’s “meant to be” and then it doesn’t work out, our world can be shattered.  When this happens, we have two ways we can react – shattered or empowered.  If we shatter, we quit, we give in.  We let fear take control and we let go of our dreams.  We tell the Universe that we’ve lost our faith and no longer believe that things will all work for our good.  But when we are empowered, we keep the positive creation machine going.  We view the setback as a starting point for something new, something greater.

When we trust that life is on our side, failure becomes an open door for growth and possibility.

We have the power to choose how we’re going to feel every moment of every day.  W choose who we’re going to respond to things that happen to us.  We can either control a situation or let a situation control us.  It’s hard to have faith when you’re faced with trial after trial, but it’s what we have to do, plain and simple.  No good will come from losing that faith

This is challenging for me, but it’s something I’m consistently working on and improving in myself.  All that negative starts rearing it’s head and it makes me want to just run and hide from everything.  But I know that won’t solve any of my issues.  I have to release all the fear I have about things not working out.  I need to make sure that I live everyday doing things that contribute to my great good, instead of things that take me farther away from it.

All of your actions need to be aligned with the good that you want to create.  Books aren’t going to write themselves.  Enlightenment isn’t going to come if there’s no practice to support it.  Miracles won’t happen if you don’t work for them.

Don’t live your life in the shoulds.  “I should do this, I should do that.”  Empower yourself by doing the things that you say you’re going to do, especially when you’re facing trials and feel like you’re going to shatter.

Don’t shatter.  Be EMPOWERED!

Empowerment Meditation

I know that each trial and failure I face is an opportunity for Empowerment.

I release the limiting mindset that failure = fear.

I am grateful for the new opportunities that present themselves when I move into an empowered mindset.

Keeping the faith during the hard times, I attract all my good to me, and all is well!

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