Do what makes you happy.

lovers of all kindsA couple of weeks ago at the Center for Spiritual Living Asheville (where my husband and I have been attending for a few months), the minister spoke about Eben Alexander’s book Proof of Heaven.  It is the world-class neurosurgeon’s story of his out-of-body experience while in a coma and brain dead due to some sort of neural meningitis, meaning that he brain had shut down to the point where out-of-body and near-death experiences aren’t able to occur.  It is important to know that prior to this experience, Eben Alexander was a man of science and only science.  He believed there was a scientific explanation to everything and had no sort of spiritual beliefs or practice.

During his experience, he was accompanied by an orb of light who was showing him all the truths of the Universe.  He says that he got 3 messages from the being of light:

  1. You are loved and cherished.
  2. You have nothing to fear.
  3. You can do no wrong.

Now, whether or not you believe in these sorts of stories (you know me, I’m always a believer!), these are still pretty powerful words.

By accepting these three basic truths, you automatically shift into pure happiness.  How can you not be happy when you know these things?!

You are LOVED.

You have NOTHING to fear.

You can do NO wrong.

That last one is especially powerful when we live in a society of such oppression and judgment.  These days, it seems like there’s one person or another constantly telling us what we’re doing wrong.  We’re not pretty enough.  We’re not smart enough.  We don’t eat healthy enough.  We’re too lazy, etc., etc.

Like I said in yesterday’s post:  The most important thing you can do for yourself is be happy.  Make sure you’re doing things that make you happy.  Make sure you’re surrounded by people who make you happy.  Your moment-to-moment happiness is the most important thing on earth.

When I divorced my first husband, I was talking with a friend/mentor of mine, trying to explain that we were terribly unhappy together and both felt we deserved more.

“I just want to be happy,” I pleaded.  “Doesn’t God want me to be happy??”

She looked at me disapprovingly and said, “Kim, God doesn’t call us to be happy, He calls us to be obedient.”

I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement, and I think it’s another limiting belief that leads to further shame, guilt, and fear in our society.

We were created to love and be happy!  We were created to be this unique expression of God and love that’s only existence is NOW.  There will never be another you in the history of existence, so make each day the best.  This is the day that the Lord has made!  I will rejoice and be glad in it!

At the beginning of every service at the Center, we start off by saying (cheesy as it may be):

Today is a happy day!  Today is the best day EVER!

And though it may be cheesy, I think it truly is the way God would want us to approach every single day of our life.  We’ve been given this great gift of life in this wonderful world.  We can do anything we wish.  We have nothing to fear, and we can do no wrong.  We are loved and cherished!

There’s some powerful energy flowing around the world right now.  An energy of change and enlightenment.  A time where doing what you truly desire to do comes easily.  With a pure heart and honest intention, God (the Universe) will bring your good to you.  So dream big!  What makes you happy?

There are a lot of unhappy people in this world.  A lot.  Too many, in my opinion.  It’s time people start making their happiness a priority.

Danielle LaPorte’s Truthbomb today is:

“What would be so amazing that you feel shy to even consider it?”

If you’re not doing what makes you happy in life, then make some changes so that you are.  It’s the most important and best thing you can do for yourself.  This is a magical time where dreams can come true.  Release all your fear and focus on feeling how you want to feel.

Love and Light!

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