“IS” by Faith Freed

I’ve decided to take part in Hay House’s Book Nook program which simply means I get free books in the mail as long as I write a review of them on my blog.  Heck yeah! 🙂  So here’s my first one on a book called IS: Your Authentic Spirituality Unleashed.

isIS by Faith Freed is a great book for souls like mine that are just trying to figure it all out.  IS: Your Authentic Spirituality Unleashed teaches the reader to carve her own spiritual journey.  It takes bits of pieces of all major belief systems, and shows how they can all come together to help you connect with your own divine self.  This book is for those who don’t want to follow a strict dogma – those who consider themselves “spiritual mavericks” that take the best parts of all great beliefs systems, combine it with some personal experiences, and create a deep, personal connection with the divine.

This is a great book to introduce the idea of consciousness and inner awareness.  Freed’s down-to-earth, approachable tone presents the large concepts in easily digestible frames that even the most religiously illiterate can understand.  She uses the acronym IS to represent “Infinite Source” – her title for divine power.  She urges that there is no “right” way to connect with IS – it’s all in personal choice and preference.  To illustrate the interconnectedness with IS and life, Freed uses “The Holy Disco Ball” which is divided into four quadrants:  1 – Infinite Source (high power or God) 2 – Inspired Self (higher self or soul/spirit) 3 – Incarnate Self (body and mind) 4 – Incarnate Source (nature).  At the end of each chapter, Freed presents the four quadrants and discusses the chapter concept in relation to each part of IS.

Freed dives deep, and she illustrates her theory through telling her own personal experiences.  This personal connection adds a nice touch to the book.  It made me feel like I could sit down and have a deep, friendly conversation with her.  This book is definitely an easy but enlightening piece.  A very non-threatening piece for those who are just dabbing into the world of spirituality.

PS – Because Hay House’s lawyers say so.. 😉

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

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