Learning to embrace what is given.

I’ve started counseling recently…. More on that later, I suppose, but for now, I want to talk about some of the things I’ve learned through counseling.  First is getting to the root of what your situation is – allowing yourself to feel what you need to feel, and having the space to admit deep things that you need to express.  Everyone needs to make time in their lives for this sort of self reflection therapy.  Second is very similar, but that you are able to precisely express what may be wrong in your life that is causing problems.  A part of that is examining things you’d really rather not examine and ignoring the discomfort even more.  But when you’re able to get to the root of it – that’s when the magic happens.  That’s when the unease is lifted and the peace arrives.

Something else I’ve had to personally process is how important it is to be able to express your deepest desirable life, even if you know it’s one you can’t have.  It’s that whole “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change” bit.  Like, for example, when you have to live miles away from your family, and you’re giving your kids a different life than you ever imagined and you’re feeling like you’re failing at everything.  Or kids with divorced parents who can admit that, yeah, in their ideal life situation, their parents would be back together, even if they know that it’s never a possibility.  Being able to acknowledge it is the first step in working through it.  It’s why the first step in things like Alcoholics Anonymous and the like is admitting that you have a problem.  Once you admit it, you can create tools for yourself to work through it.  Denying yourself that feeling and ignoring it is just going to breed resentment and bitterness.  And no  growth comes from that.  Growth comes through the discomfort, through calling on our courage and tackling things that frighten us, all while embracing what’s been given to us.

embraceThat’s another theme that’s been popping up lately – embracing what I’ve been given.  It’s been brought to my attention three times in the last week – I heard it in therapy, watched a dramatic scene of a show where someone said it to another character, and read it in something on the internet.  I think life is trying to tell me something. 😉  I’ve always known this.  It goes right along with always being grateful, and that you always, always have something you can be grateful for.  There are ways I can embrace this beautiful life I’ve been given while also being ok with the fact that there are some things I don’t like.  There is far, far more to embrace.  So here I am, embracing.  I’m blogging (blogging!), at random, with no purpose but to share my soliloquy.  I have all the power within me to do whatever it is I want to do.  I gotta get over this woe-is-me pity party and embrace every single second.

Speaking of embracing what is given – I will be embracing my in-laws’ place at the beach this weekend!  (Again, why am I complaining about my life?? *eyeroll*)  Cohen and I are running away together to the ocean.  Mama had to miss all the vacations this summer, and I finally got a couple days off work to go.  It will be the perfect balance of getting to have quality time with my babe while also being able to leave him and enjoy some time to myself, too.  The ocean is always so, so healing or me.  It’s like I always leave something there, and then I also bring something back.  I’m really looking forward to this trip. <3

Thanks for reading my rambles…. The book is on its way, slowly but surely.  For real though – I’ve been actively working on my devotional book again.  I really hope I can get it all together and released to you soon.  It’s my dream. <3


Always in love,


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