Soliloquy 2-4-17: The insanity

Ok, so I figured I need to just get this all out instead of getting sucked into the Facebook hole and spewing out angry comments at people I don’t even know or haven’t talked to in years. 

There’s a lot of shit going on right now. Crazy, crazy shit. And I know people are all like, “what’s the point in ranting on social media about it?  I’m here to post about my life and have fun, not be political” blah blah blah.  But, that’s the beauty about social media – the presence you create is your own.  You can post or not post about anything or nothing at all.  I believe that with my generation, social media is powerful.  The message you spread can influence a lot of people.  I recently became Facebook friends with a girl I went to high school with who was a couple of years younger than me.  Honestly, I don’t even really remember her much from high school, but we have a lot of mutual friends, and I could tell she was a cool chick.  Her father died last night.  And even though I barely remember this girl, and I don’t think I’d even recognize her voice if I heard it, we’ve created such a supportive relationship within social media that I was moved to tears hearing about the passing of her father.  Some of my biggest revelations that have helped me evolve to where I am today have come through the people and information I see on social media.  So even though some people want to downplay it, there is power there, and I think it is time we harnessed it.

There is a lot of division within our country right now.  Some say that voicing our opinions like what I’m doing here and what women were doing marching last weekend is actually further dividing the country.  I don’t buy it.  We ALL have a right to voice our concerns, and our concerns are definitely valid based on what’s been happening the past few weeks.

So, let’s see,

Yes, perhaps God (the Universe/Life/Spirit) is going to use Trump to further the kingdom.  Perhaps he will be the catalyst for change that we need to move out of this phase of fear and into Christ consciousness where LOVE is what matters most.  Those who stand for love will not tolerate the hate and darkness.

What about building a wall is loving?

What about telling someone what they can or can’t do with their own body is loving?

What’s unconditional about telling someone there are conditions to who they are or are not to love?

And good Lord, what the hell is loving about turning away men, women, and children whose homes have been destroyed by war and are literally dying to be helped?

People like to make excuses like, “But they (Muslims) are dangerous” or “Even if there’s only one within the thousands, that’s still one too many and we can’t risk it” or “Their own country needs to help them, not us.”

Where in the Bible does it say to fear with all our hearts?

Where does Jesus tell us to build walls out of fear and turn our backs on those who need us.

Does “Love thy neighbor” not count here?

God didn’t destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of gay sex – he destroyed it because they were inhospitable and hurtful to outsiders.  Our job as Christians (and yes, I still say “our” because I was raised a Christian and am still madly in love with Jesus Christ) is to love, NO MATTER WHAT.  We are told not to fear and that God will always protect us.  Then why are we giving into this fictional idea that Muslim terrorists are out to get us?  Look at the mass shootings and terrorist attacks that have happened on US soil over the past several years.  They certainly weren’t all Muslims.

This is stupid – all of it.  A wall is completely irrational. Muslims do not equal terrorists, and creating a Muslim registry is absolutely no different than tattooing Jews during the Holocaust.  This is ridiculous, people.  We can’t allow it to be done.  Jesus would be pissed.

Not to mention the cost and manpower it would actually take to create the stupid thing.  And they are planning on using OUR tax dollars for that!  Mexico isn’t paying for shit; it’s time we all realize that.  They are planning to take billions of OUR tax dollars to pay for this wall when OUR children and OUR vets and OUR schools need that money more than anything.  Take a look at the Federal agencies and programs Trump is planning on gutting to “reduce the national debt”.  They amount to chump change.  They only cost the average American about $22/year.  But they are programs supporting the arts, public broadcasting, the humanities, various civil and legal services, and, of course, things like climate change and clean energy.  These programs will do absolutely nothing to reduce the national debt but everything to take away things that have a positive influence on our society and environment.

How about we all just turn off the news for a bit? Do a little research, stay informed, but don’t weigh yourself down with the opinions and commentary that come through a screen (mine included!).  I think it is time we all spend some time with our souls.  Our country is headed in a dark direction (take some time to research how other countries around view us – we’re a joke and most actually feel bad for us).  We have to break down the walls of fear and start making rational decisions again.

I don’t really know where else to start other than opening up this conversation – I’m as lost and overwhelmed as everyone else right now.  But we have to do something.

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