The importance of routine

I’ve been hella inspired by Sarajane Case on Instagram lately. This woman knows how to show up and get it done! Something she does in her Instagram stories is a “Day in the Life” where she’ll document her daily routine. I’m not quite sure why things like this fascinate me so much. I guess there’s something about seeing how someone else lives their life that is intriguing to me. I find it inspiring. If someone else can develop a routine that serves them and their purpose, then so can I! I feel like it’s easy for us to get bogged down by life these days – the repetition, the exhaustion, the never ending existentialism. When I watch Sarajane’s days, I’m reminded that I have all the power in the world to show up each day and live the life I want to live.

So, I did my own “Day in the life” in my insta stories today (go check them out if you haven’t already!). I thought doing a blog about my daily routine would be a good place to start as well. Establishing a routine is imperative to success, in my opinion. As people who have accomplished great things – some sort of routine and discipline is what got them there. Some days, my morning routine is great (especially the days I don’t have to be at work until 10am). Other days (like the ones when I have to be at work at 8am), the routine is nothing but get outta bed, dressed, and out the door. But, ideally, this is my morning routine:

  • Drink a big glass of distilled water (sometimes two)
  • Stretch and foam roll
  • Breathe
  • Coffee, journaling, reading, and cards
  • Yoga/Meditation/Breathing/Walking/Anything that brings peace


A simple Google search can show the benefits of drinking at least 16oz of water first thing in the morning. It helps boost your metabolism, flushes away toxins, wakes you up, and is great for your skin. Think of it this way – you just slept for 8 hours. That’s like going your entire work day without drinking anything. Your body needs hydrated and replenished! I recommend drinking distilled water (another Google search will show the benefits of this vs tap water), but any water is better than no water. (I really want to get into the habit of drinking hot water and lemon in the mornings instead of coffee, but I’m not there yet. Another thing to Google – it’s so good for you!)

Stretch and Roll

If you’re like me, your whole body hurts when you wake up in the morning. (Or maybe that’s just me?? ha!) Doing some good stretches helps awaken your body and get blood flowing. A sun salutation yoga practice is a great place to start. I’ve been dealing with some low back pain, so I focus on stretches and positions that help release some of that tension first thing in the morning. A simple stretch of your back and legs can really set the tone for the rest of your day!


I’ve written about the importance of breath before. We are deprived of oxygen. Most of the time, we take shallow, short breaths instead of full belly ones. When you practice deep breathing, you fill your muscles with all the oxygen they crave. This helps your body feel better and uplifts your mood. Google “breath of fire” or do some research into the Wim Hof method. There’s power in the breath, ya’ll! Dustin is kinda kicking ass in his breath practice right now. I’m still getting into it, much with his encouragement.

Coffee and Inspiring Things

After I’ve hydrated and taken care of my body – the cozy morning begins! I like to drink my coffee while I journal, draw some angel/oracle/tarot cards, and do some inspiring reading. I read the Daily Word, draw some cards asking the angels to tell me what they need me to hear that day, and then journal to get all my thoughts out. This is like a mini-therapy session for me, and when I’m able to start my days like this, I find myself much more calm and less anxious. I’ve learned that I need to feel connected to the Divine in order to feel healthy and whole, so taking the time for a quiet practice like this really helps.

Yoga/Meditation/Walk/Whatever brings you peace

This last one I don’t get to every day. It just depends on how much time I have or if Cohen is distracting me. But, ideally, I’d start each day with a simple yoga routine, mediation, walk, prayer, or any other thing that helps calm my mind and bring me some peace. Saying affirmations would be great for this, too. It’s so easy for our minds to get bogged down with worry, anxiety, and negativity. Taking a few minutes in the morning to say some positive affirmations can help uplift your spirit and start your day off right. I like to say things like “I am a carrier of the light, all that I think, say, and do expresses Divinity” or “Divine order is at work in my life” or “I am strong, healthy, and stable” or even “I am an organized and productive person.” Do some more googling and look into the power of positive affirmations. Our minds are a lot more powerful than we realize! What we focus on, we create. So if our minds are always filled with worries and negativity, that’s what you’ll manifest in your life.

There’s my morning routine in a nutshell? Do you have a morning routine? If so, what does it involve? Share your thoughts in the comments! We can all be inspired by each other to start building healthier habits into our lives!

To love and routine,

~ Kim

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