Here we go…

Dustin and I can finally talk about the super secret huge project we’ve been working on for over two years!

….. We’re gonna be on TV! …..

A TLC reality show about polyamory and open relationships called Seeking Brother Husband. Though I’m not a fan of the name (ha!), I am excited for the opportunity to share the journey of opening our marriage and me falling for an amazing man named Vinson.

We haven’t talked very openly online about our poly lifestyle, so I know this may come as a shock to many of you, perhaps even a disappointment. However, we were given a once in a lifetime opportunity to show up in our authenticity and share our story, and we felt we should embrace it.

We had connections through a friend who was helping pitch a new show concept, and we were asked to apply. At first, I figured, no way! This part of our lives felt like our little secret, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to share it with the world. But after much contemplation and many prayers, we decided to go for it. And the rest is history, as they say.

We decided that if the Universe/God/Spirit was literally placing this opportunity in our laps (we even turned it down just to be approached again months later), then it must be what we are meant to do. How could we pass up an opportunity to show up and share our love, light, and wisdom with the world?

You know me – I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve. I started blogging in college nearly 20 (TWENTY!) years ago – sharing my life’s journey, documenting my spiritual evolution, sharing the most vulnerable parts of myself in the hopes that sharing my journey helps others as they navigate their own. I’ve written about everything from moving across the country to co-parenting to leaving the church to my sexual assault in college – all with the intention of bearing my soul to help others. And that intention remains behind our reasoning for doing this show.

We did not walk into this to gain fame and fortune (although of course the Leos in us enjoy a bit of the spotlight, lol). We did it with the intention to have a positive influence on the world – to show the world our love and hopefully make an impact. That’s all I’ve ever wanted – to have a positive influence. To have an audience whose lives I can help change. That’s why I’ve always wanted to be a writer, teacher, and coach. Because my soul longs to encourage and uplift – to remind people of their innate power and inner light – to help spread ideologies that shine light into a dark world.

I thought my “big break” would come from one of my blogs going viral and getting a book deal or a speaking gig to become the next Louise Hay or Marianne Williamson. I did not think it could come in the form of a TV reality show asking me to share the most intimate details of my life. But as they say, God works in mysterious ways. Just as I’ve wondered why I’d been called to blog about my spiritual journey fearing that my family and loved ones would not approve, I wonder why I’ve been given this opportunity for my wildest dreams to come true, but it meaning that I have to show a side of myself that many close to me wish I would keep hidden. I have to talk about what many wish I would keep quiet about. What I’m proud of, others may be ashamed of, and that’s a hard road to walk. For I never want to cause pain or embarrassment.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my spiritual journey over the last 15 years or so, it’s that I have to follow my own truth. There are some times in life when it’s ok to be selfish and pursuing one’s dreams is one of those times. The people-pleaser I had been for years had to learn how to draw boundaries and do things because she wants to, not because it’s what she thinks others want from her.

So I step forward in faith- trusting that I was given this opportunity for a reason. Trusting that perhaps it can actually lead to much healing for all. Surrendering to the call, I dive in. I trust Spirit. More importantly, I trust myself. May all be blessed through this endeavor.

So I hope you will tune in to follow our journey. Remember that it’s TV…and we didn’t have much say in the final editing process. 😉 All we could do was show up authentically and surrender. This has all been a wild ride, and I’m grateful for the blessing this experience has been for me and my family.

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