So yeah, I’m getting bored with my old blog, so I’ve decided to follow Steve and join “the dark side.”  Xanga’s just a lot more fun!  By the way, feel free to leave constructive criticism as the the appearance of my site.  I’ve been debating different color schemes and what not.  Not sure if I like it like this or not.  I like the background, but can’t find a good color to go with, etc.  Any ideas are surely welcome!   Anyway…

I’ve been packing and cleaning all day, getting ready for the big move tomorrow.  I’m SOOO excited!  I’m definitely ready to be back in B-Town and get back into the swing of things with school and what not.  My weekend was pretty good.  My last night at DQ was on Friday and I left about 4 hours early because I was sick.  My tummy did not like me Friday night.  Mom was looking up symptoms to Appendicitis to make sure my appendix was bursting.  It wasn’t.  So, after hours of laying down and relaxing and one lovely phone conversation with Cory,  I finally started to feel better.

Saturday I just packed all day and then it was Girl’s Night Out that night.  Mom, Stacey, Grandma, and I decided to go out to eat and see The Notebook.  We ate at TGIFriday’s (which was amazing, two words…Oreo Madness!) and I had my first taste of a Strawberry Margarita.  Stacey ordered one and I was able to have a few tastes of it.  It was quite delicious.  After dinner, we headed to the movie, which was amazing!  It was definitely everything everyone had talked it up to be.  When the movie ended, Mom, Grandma, and Stacey were all bawling their eyes out.  Surprisingly, I didn’t cry.  Anyway, we decided we all needed a little cheering up, so we decided to do a double feature and we went to see The Princess Diaries 2, which was adorable.  It was a great night.  Definitely a great way to spend my last Saturday home.

Today was mostly filled with packing and cleaning and what not.  I led Children’s Church this morning which was awesome!  The kids were so great today and it was just a lot of fun.  Probably one of the best times I’ve ever had leading Children’s Church.  It was great!  But yeah, after church, I just came home and started packing and I’ve been doing that pretty much all day.  I took a little nap and watched the rest of Cold Mountain, which I started Friday when I was sick.  I went to DQ with the fam earlier.  Nothing like some quality time before I leave.

Well, I’m off to get the rest of my stuff packed up before I head to bed.  Big day tomorrow!  I’m so excited!  This year is going to be awesome!  Have a good night everyone!

Love you all!

7 comments on “

  1. Hey Kim, thanx for subscribing, hope you are well and move in went okay today.  Thanx for letting me borrow Cor for the wedding.  Gimme a call sometime!

  2. Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!!!!  Ok, so I did the same thing in Steve’s “welcome” comment, but it’s fitting.  Good to officially have you on our side (the band blog aside).  Looking forward to seeing you and the whole crew in a few weeks!

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