Release Negative Patterns with a Daily Meditative Practice

When releasing negative behavior patterns, it is important to consciously take the time to let the negative go and create new, positive energy.  Just saying, “Yeah, I have negative self-talk” and then coming up with some sort of generic affirmation that you promise yourself you’ll repeat every single day isn’t quite enough. 

Releasing the negative and creating the positive must become a practice that you engage in everyday in order for it to fully change your life.

This is something that I’ve noticed in my own life lately as it’s only been within the last several weeks that I’ve been disciplined with my own practice.  It truly changes your awareness.  It helps you feel more balanced throughout the day, and it helps you quickly recognize when you’ve slipped into negative thought.  Then, remembering the truth you felt in your meditation, you are able to regain your balance and consciousness, shift your negative thinking to positive, and continue your day.

There’s no “one-size-fits-all” system to mediation, affirmations, prayer, and manifesting.  You just need to figure out what comes naturally to you and stick with it.



Personally, I like to meditate and say my affirmations first thing in the morning and then right before bed.  When you first wake up, your brain is still sleepy and producing theta waves, which are the best for meditation, visualization, and manifestation.  Same for right before you go to bed.  (This is a great website that explains brain wave patterns.)  So when you wake up in the morning, sleepily sit up in bed, take some deep breaths, and repeat affirmations, say prayers, ask help from angels, and visualize your happiness.

If you want to start a physical meditative practice like yoga, tai chi, walking, jogging, etc., you can combine the two.  Repeat your affirmations as you breathe deeply during these activities. 

We always say that we don’t have enough time to do things like meditate and do yoga.  But the fact is, that’s bullshit.  We have all the time in the world.  It’s just a matter of prioritizing and making time for these important things that make us feel more deeply fulfilled.
So get up a half-hour earlier each day and turn the TV off a half-hour earlier each night.  Put on some relaxing music, light some candles if you desire, get in a comfortable condition, and breathe.
Have your list of affirmations and things you want to manifest written down and kept close to wherever you meditate.  Take 10 slow, deep breaths, and then simply read through the list (out loud or in your head).  Then take another 10 slow, deep breaths while you visualize yourself happy and having all that you desire.  Picture yourself living out these life-creating affirmations you’ve come up with.
If you want to take this time to pray, you can continue to breathe slowly and say your prayers.  Lift up requests and blessings to the angels.  Ask for their assistance, and thank them for the help they provide.
I like to end my meditations with a few breaths of gratitudefor all the blessings in my life.  I thank the Spirit for my loved ones, my home, and the opportunities presented to me everyday.  Then I just sit and smile while I breathe until I decide I’m ready to continue my day.

If you truly want to let go of negative energy patterns and experience what this metaphysical “create your own reality” stuff is all about, then you have to dedicate yourself to a daily meditative practice. 

Results won’t always show up overnight (though sometimes you’ll be surprised at how quickly they do show up), so give yourself some time.  Studies show that it takes 30-40 days for new behavior patterns to get engrained in our brains.  Here’s a great TED Talk that discusses trying something new for 30 days:

So dedicate yourself to 30-straight days of your new practice and then it will become second nature to you.  You’ll have developed a new habit that will bring you more peace, love, and joy than you’ve ever experienced.

The more you focus on these positive thoughts, the more they’ll manifest around you.  Don’t get discouraged!  We all have this power within us, so believe in yourself, stick with your practice, and be grateful for even the littlest things!

2 comments on “Release Negative Patterns with a Daily Meditative Practice

  1. After reading this post, among other inspirational things my bestie sends my way, I have signed up for a 28 day path to meditation audio session on Yoga Journal. I am hoping to do this on my lunch hours, to break up the ever so chaotic days, with the ultimate goal being a morning/evening session as well.

    Thanks for all of the love, light, and positivity!

  2. Awesome!! So so proud of you! Getting a regular practice started is the hardest part. Once it’s started and going and you see the positive effects that it has on your day to day life, you’ll be looking forward to your meditation time everyday!! I love you bestie and I’m so proud of you! 🙂

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