Happy birthday Matisse and Julien!

7 and 8. My cute little blonde-haired boys are officially 7 and 8.  Julien celebrated 7-hood last Saturday, and Matisse turns 8 today. It’s been such a joy watching them grow up over the last five years.  When Dustin and I first met, they were still babies!  And now they’re boys.  Beautiful, smart, curious, loving […]

Do what makes you happy.

A couple of weeks ago at the Center for Spiritual Living Asheville (where my husband and I have been attending for a few months), the minister spoke about Eben Alexander’s book Proof of Heaven.  It is the world-class neurosurgeon’s story of his out-of-body experience while in a coma and brain dead due to some sort of […]

Being Happy is Most Important

I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness lately.  What does it mean to truly be happy?  What/Who defines happiness? I’ve come to the conclusion happiness isn’t something that just happens to you.  It’s something you choose. The scripture that went along with my Daily Word reading this morning was Ecclesiastes 3:12: “I know that there […]