Good People of the World, Unite!!

I’m starting this blog because I feel like I’ve come to that point in life where I’ve realized I’m the grown-up.  I’m the adult.  I’m the one who’s supposed to be reading the news, keeping up to date on things.  I’m the one who is supposed to be lobbying policies to Congress and serving my […]

Stronger and Happier Than Ever

Ok, so despite my initial freak-out when not getting a teaching job, this little break I decided to take this semester is so starting to prove to be well worth the extra $10K in student loans I took out to make it happen.  (Hey, it’s for my academic and spiritual growth, so it’s priceless, right??) […]

Release Negative Patterns by Expressing Gratitude!

To continue the discussion on releasing negative behavior/thought/energy patterns… So when we notice a certain negative energy/emotion/behavior creep into our consciousness, we can acknowledge and accept it and then convert it into something we want to create for ourselves – a positive emotion that we can deliberately start to feel instead of the negative emotion. […]

Releasing Negative Behavior Patterns

I’ve decided to do a little mini-series this week focusing on recognizing and releasing negative behavior patterns.  I’ve been struggling with a lot myself as I move into this new routine, lifestyle, and worldview.  Sometimes we have to consciously take the time to remember that we have the power to create whatever we want in […]